  • July 4, 2020

Freedom! Escape Boredom and Celebrate Safely

Washington Monument

Freedom! Escape Boredom and Celebrate Safely

Freedom! Escape Boredom and Celebrate Safely 1024 427 Bond's Escape Room

Celebrating America’s Freedom 

It has been 244 years since that fateful day in 1776. On July 2, a handful of brave men drafted a document explaining that they had enough of the unjust taxation and bullying from the King of England. Two days later, this declaration was ratified, thus asserting the colonists’ freedom from oppression. As expected, the King of England did not take kindly to the news. Our young nation fought desperately in what seemed like an unwinnable war. However, with the smart thinking of some now-famous individuals, the colonists were able to turn the tides and achieve victory. July 4 has since been known as Independence Day, a day that across the country we celebrate our freedom. Recent events have unfortunately placed a damper on how this celebration will take place, leading Americans to yearn for freedom once again. 

Yearning for Freedom 

The start of the year held so much promise. The beginning of a new decade, a chance for change. I personally know several friends who wanted to host modern-day versions of Roaring ‘20s parties. Our organization opened its newest room in Arlington, Death by Chocolate. Everything was looking up… until the bubble of happiness was abruptly burst by cold reality. Nobody could have anticipated the impact the coronavirus would have, how our freedom to do things would be rudely stripped away. Gone are the days of walking downtown at the zoo. Hanging out with friends is done at a six-foot distance, if at all. Even eating out at restaurants is restricted now. At a time we should be celebrating freedom, we are desperately holding out hope we can gain it back. Progress has been slow, but Virginia is entering Phase 3 of its recovery this week. Bond’s Escape Rooms are opening after a hard three months of closing, but this new freedom comes with a price. 

Price of Freedom 

Freedom has never come without a price. Thankfully, unlike the colonists 244 years ago, you do not have to fight in a war to gain yours. However, new rules and regulations have been put in place at our facilities to ensure that our newfound freedom can remain. Safety has always been a top priority of ours, and we are implementing several methods to ensure both our players and our staff stay healthy as we move forward. Our establishments are following the guidelines set in place by the government of Virginia. All persons within our facilities, staff and players alike, are required to wear masks at all times. While you might not be experiencing any symptoms, we must take into account the safety of everyone who enters our escape rooms, as some individuals might have other health issues compromising their immune systems. Gloves will be provided to customers to decrease contact with commonly used props. All rooms are being disinfected between games. Additionally, all rooms are now private, so exposure to strangers will not be an issue for the foreseeable future. With this shift to only private rooms comes a slight policy change: while our ticket price remains $27 per player, a minimum of three tickets is needed to reserve a room. Players wishing to purchase only two tickets will still need to pay the minimum price for three tickets, with the exception of Escape from Venus in Fairfax (as it is specifically a two-player room). We understand rule changes may frustrate some, but we kindly ask that you respect them while enjoying your new freedom from your house here with us. 

Earn Your Freedom From Our Escape Rooms 

Looking for a fun way to “fight” for your freedom? Come try out one of our escape rooms! Your team will need to think creatively as you solve puzzles to achieve an overall goal. Between our two facilities in Fairfax and Arlington, we are the largest escape room company on the East Coast, comprising a total of 17 rooms with an 18th being planned. Our rooms cater to all ages and fascinations. Whether you are an escape room fanatic or eager to try something new, be sure to check us out at both locations by following the information below! Can you escape to freedom? 

Book your Room Today! 

Games are currently by appointment only. Schedule your room today using any method listed.

Visit www.roomescapedc.com OR Call 703-454-8099 OR email info@roomescapedc.com

Written by Zachary Hullings